Terry Winters
Point Array
June 9, 2018 – September 1, 2018
Peder Lund is proud to present our second exhibition of paintings by the artist Terry Winters (1949- ). The four paintings on view, Sequence, Cluster, Point Array, and Point Array 2, were completed between 2015 and 2018. Each picture’s surface is built up in layers of oil, wax, and resin.
Terry Winters investigates, what he has called, a “vitalized geometry” – the patterns and schemas that undergird physical and mental life. His ostensibly abstract work is actually largely grounded in the real world. Incorporating “objective” data culled from technical sources, he reframes and reworks these motifs through the specificity of pictorial intention and with the desire to describe a wider view of nature. A formal vocabulary develops through an intuitive and improvisational process: “I use found imagery as a model, to see how images can be torqued or tweaked, made more poetic and expressive.” The resulting paintings map imaginary and symbolic scenes.
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