Peder Lund
Art Dealership
Over a period of more than twenty years, Peder Lund has been dealing modern and contemporary art to public, corporate and private collectors. Research, education, curation, and consultation remain the core principles of his mission.
Through diverse relationships with leading artists and estates, art galleries, and art dealers worldwide, Peder Lund and his team are able to retain a robust inventory of paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, videos, and site-specific installations. Focusing on the American, European, and Japanese primary and secondary art markets, we are also constantly updated on the current and upcoming offerings at auction. With frequent travel to major art fairs and important exhibitions, Peder Lund and his team are acutely aware of the ever-evolving attitudes and interests in the global art market.
Whether working with institutions on large-scale endeavors or first-time collectors acquiring a limited number of works, we deftly and respectfully facilitate the process and encourage new and challenging curatorial projects.
A selection of artists whose work Peder Lund and his team have recently placed in collections include Nobuyoshi Araki, Diane Arbus, Richard Artschwager, Louise Bourgeois, James Lee Byars, Isa Genzken, Philip Guston, Roni Horn, Robert Irwin, Sergej Jensen, Ellsworth Kelly, Willem de Kooning, Mike Kelley, Wolfgang Tillmans, Liz Larner, Catherine Opie, Lucas Samaras and Ed Ruscha, Sadamasa Motonaga, Edvard Munch, Raymond Pettibon, Sigmar Polke, Ken Price, Daniel Richter, Robert Ryman, Kurt Schwitters, Elaine Sturtevant, Richard Tuttle, Cy Twombly, Franz West, and Jiro Yoshihara.
Peder Lund extends his services to encompass artists and directions that we do not represent or keep as part of our stock.