William Eggleston
Photographs - William Eggleston
April 4, 2002 – May 5, 2002
William Eggleston (b. 1939) is an American photographer. First photographing in black-and-white, Eggleston began experimenting in the late 1960s with colour transparency film, producing vivid prints through the dye transfer process. These techniques dominated his production in the late sixties and seventies, as the selected photographs at the exhibition illustrates.
Eggleston pioneered a new era in color photography with his extraordinary pictures of commonplace subjects: a farmer's muddy Ford truck, a red ceiling in a friend's house, the contents of his own refrigerator. Eggleston assumes a neutral gaze and creates his art from photographing the world around him "democratically." His large-format prints monumentalise everyday subjects so that everything seems to be of equal importance. Eggleston gives every detail its deserved attention.
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